We are a registered charity (No.1179379) based in the East Midlands.

We rescue – rehabilitate – rehome or retire animals large + small.

We use specially selected animals for our Education & Therapy work.

Our animals have worked with elderly, children and people with disabilities.

Wildlife Welfare

We are members of

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Partnership for Action against Wildlife Crime:
Working in partnership to reduce wildlife crime through prevention, awareness-raising, better regulation, effective and targeted enforcement.
To raise awareness of impacts of wildlife crime.

To identify gaps in issues with wildlife legislation

To advise on practicalities of tackling wildlife crime effectively.

To encourage active partnership working across Government, agencies, NGOs and police

Co-Chairs: jointly chaired by Defra (Richard Pullen) – NPCC DCC Debbie Ford
Defra (Wildlife Crime & Management Team).


Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW UK)

PAW is a collaboration of organisations who work together to reduce wildlife crime. 

Through prevention, awareness raising, better regulation, effective targeted enforcement.

Helps statutory & non-government organisations work together to reduce wildlife crime.

PAW’s objectives are to:

raise awareness of wildlife legislation and the impacts of wildlife crime

help and advice on wildlife crime and regulatory issues

make sure wildlife crime is tackled effectively

The UK’s wildlife crime priorities are set every 2 yrs. The current wildlife crime priorities are:

badger persecution – bat persecution – illegal trade in CITES species – raptor persecution – freshwater pearl mussels – poaching (deer, fish & hare coursing)

What is wildlife crime

Wildlife crime inc offences i.e. poaching, killing / disturbing protected species damaging their breeding / resting places, and illegally trading in endangered species. 

It is one of the pressures that can push animal and plant species closer to extinction. 

Some wildlife crimes cause unnecessary pain and suffering.

PAW working groups are:

Forensics working group – Marine working group – Training and Conference working group

Scotland, Wales  & N.I.

Also look at wildlife crime problems in their own countries and ways to tackle them.

Wildlife forensics ( Contact Lucy.Webster@sasa.gsi.gov.uk )

Tools to assist investigators with DNA identification / other forensic techniques can be found on the PAW forensics working group website.


Provided by DEFRA, gives admin support to liaison group. 

It also arranges the annual PAW engagement forum.

Email – paw.secretariat@defra.gov.uk

Defra Seacole Building, NE 1st floor. 2 Marsham Street. London, SW1P 4DF

Contact us

If you need to report a wildlife crime  follow our guidance and how to report it. 

Please don’t contact  PAW secretariat to report wildlife crime incidents.

Operation EASTER ~ 25 yrs of stopping egg thieves and egg collectors

Wild birds are nesting and a national campaign to protect them across UK is underway. Egg thieves will go to any lengths to raid nests of rare wild birds but Operation EASTER is determined to stop them in their tracks. Operation EASTER was developed in Scotland 25 yrs ago now facilitated by  National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) in conjunction with UK police forces / partner agencies.  The operation targets egg thieves by sharing intelligence across  UK to support enforcement action. In recent years the operation has  been expanded to cover some emerging trends of criminal behaviour such as  online trade in eggs and the disturbance of nests for photography. The taking of wild bird eggs is a serious crime yet it remains  pastime of some determined individuals. Whole clutches can be taken from some of  UK’s rarest birds with potentially devastating impacts.  The eggs are stored in secret collections.

Chief Inspector Kevin Kelly (Head of NWCU) says: “Operation Easter is a yearly event that is ingrained within wildlife crime policing. NWCU collates and disseminates the information that identifies the hotspot areas where the crimes are likely to be committed and we work with Police Officers and partners to ensure these areas of interest are given the attention they deserve, to protect the future of our wild birds. We have a number of skilled and dedicated Police Wildlife Crime Officers across the UK who have adopted this operation and will work with us to reduce criminality, and for this, I thank them greatly”.

If you have any information on egg thieves, or those who disturb rare nesting birds without a license, contact your local police 101 – ask to speak to a wildlife crime officer if possible. Nesting will be in full swing in April so please contact the police if you see anyone acting suspiciously around nesting birds.

Information can also be passed in confidence to Crimestoppers via 0800 555 111.

Persimmon Homes – Building Futures

11th October 2021
Hoofprints Miniature Haven is in running to win a share of a £1million Persimmon Homes
Building Futures fund aimed at supporting under-18s across UK 1st need votes to win.
Persimmon Homes East Midlands is backing hoofprints miniature haven to be a prize winner at a special event later this year, where cash awards of £100,000, £50,000 or £20,000 will be made to those with the most online votes.
Barbara Mills, representing HOOFPRINTS said: “We’re so proud to be chosen as a regional finalist it’s given everyone a massive boost. Last 18 months+ have been extremely challenging for charities across UK, inc ourselves We have survived flooded premises – drought – brexit then covid so we’d really appreciate if people would get behind us and start voting.
“If we could win any of the top 3 cash awards it would make a massive difference to our rescue + therapy centre.”
We would be able to provide therapy and education opportunitiues to a massive amount of young people who need to recover from the stress’s of the last few months.
it would enable us to get transport so we can visit schools and care homes taking our therapy animals to people who may not be able to travel to the centre
It would mean the world to us if we could have your support.”
Building Futures is delivered through the Persimmon Charitable Foundation in partnership with Team GB, the British Olympic Association.
Through Building Futures, a total of 128 grants of £1,000 have been awarded to groups supporting sport / education & arts // health across Persimmon’s 31 regional businesses and its head office.
£100,000 1st prize / £50,000 2nd prize /£20,000 3rd prize in each category a further 87 shortlisted projects will each receive £5,000.

We were awarded £5k which has been a fantastic addition to our finances

Animal rescue – Rehabilitation – Rehoming

We pride ourselves  on the quality of care each individual animal receives. 

We ensure each animal receives  appropriate vet care, including specialist referral as required. 

Each animal assessed for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to rehoming.

To ensure we can  accommodate animals requiring rescue we utilise a network of foster homes 

We also use  placements with other specialist rescue centres if required.

Not all rescues can be rehabilitated and any animal that is assessed by a vet to need to be euthanized  will be humanely euthanized.

Any animal that cannot be rehomed  due to health / behavioural issues will be retired at the charity.