How we run our Charity HMH


To Provide                                                                                                                             

A environmentally diverse farm to encourage native flora & fauna

Breeding programmes for Native & Rare Breed Animals

Rare breed animals available for hire for media / promotional events 

Educational events in Conservation – Environment – Biodiversity – Horticulture  – Animal health/welfare 

A safe haven for wildlife requiring rescue / rehabilitation..

Green prescribing for personal growth, therapy, rehabilitation

Volunteering opportunities for people to use their skills and to learn new skills..

Local community event spaces


● CPD accredited + Fundraising regulator approved

● Accredited with relevant organisations 

  Always working to be accredited with organisations in relation to animal health /welfare,      

    animal therapy, horticulture, agriculture and volunteering.

● Encourage  volunteers to participate in training to gain qualifications.

● Provide our own certification to encourage improvement in all our activities.


● To not discriminate on any basis..

● To inspire care and responsible ownership of animals to members of the public.

● Dedicated to improving the lives of animals.

● Request volunteers / visitors respect animals deserve to be treated in a respectful way.

● Use local businesses for supplies and contracting.

● Provide opportunities for apprenticeships and work experience 


● Have a robust assessment process for both animals / volunteers to ensure all are properly

   assessed and matched/handled by appropriately trained / experienced volunteers.

● Open to public to enjoy, relax and and learning range of education / therapy projects

● Target services to key audiences.

● Enhance our range of services and, draw upon a wider body of related skills / expertise

To Serve Members of the local community and surrounding area.

Offer opportunities for People with health issues ( physical, mental or behavioural issues)

Environment / Conservation

● Rare breed / Native Breed Survival

● Carbon Neutrality

● Healthy, ethical, sustainable food

● Wildlife enhancement

● Save – Reuse – Recycle

● Energy efficiency / Alternative energy sources

● Water efficiency inc Rainwater harvesting from buildings


● Improve people’s skills, experience and qualifications

● Use animals and horticulture as part of national curriculum

● School engagement and attendance with Improved support for children

● Post 16 and lifelong learning, work experience and Apprenticeships

● Support individuals to develop skills and confidence.(directly and through local partnerships)

● Increase knowledge of where food comes from – Improve confidence in growing/cooking

Inclusion 4 All                                                                                                                                                         

● Create a more supportive and friendly community

● Increase the number of people engaging in their community

● Build a culture that champions diversity and inclusion

● Treat and interact with each other as we would like to be treated and interacted with.

● Diversity and Inclusion to be a natural part of what we do

● Involve people with/without disabilities young/elderly in activities to combine both skills and friendship and both age ranges and learn from each other. to work together, respect each other’s abilities,strengths and weaknesses, to form friendships.

● Encourage small local businesses to develop and grow in the local area.

Improve Mental & Physical health                                                                                

● Support people’s health and well being

● Health inequalities

● Adverse childhood experiences

● Loneliness in elderly

● Equality, creating a welcoming environment.

● Bring greater access to local food

We acknowledge it is  people in the lowest financial sector that have the greatest need.

● Donations/Payments for services are flexible according to  financial need of person attending.

● We aim to offer anyone whatever £position a opportunity to participate in what we offer.

Fully Inclusive & Non-Judgemental          Aspire & Inspire
Transparency We strive to work in a way that is open, honest, and transparent.

Animal Health & Welfare

Welfare of our animals is utmost priority our free range, grass-based farming methods are

the most environmentally welfare friendly while maintaining traditional farming principles.

Our animals live outside if poss working with not against weather / wildlife / land management

The freedom to exhibit their natural behaviours makes for happy contented animals.

Housed during wet weather to prevent damage to ground.

Forage based diet produces organic muck used as a natural fertiliser No artificial fertiliser.

Rearing animals in a sustainable free range way helps environment by promoting good soil

condition which leads to increased levels of biodiversity.

The grassland also acts as a vital source of carbon storage.

There is a very important role for grass-fed livestock in sustainable farming systems as part of a solution to reducing carbon emissions not contributing to them as a vital source of carbon storage and

the way in which grazing animals convert this into high-quality protein

Everyone deserves to live in a healthy, wildlife-rich natural world have the opportunity to experience the joy of wildlife in their daily lives